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Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Biceps are a very important muscle to develop, not only does it help your arms to look great, it helps you to have a more toned and defined set of biceps. Today I will share with you some neat bicep exercises that I found online. 

How to do the Back Dumbbell Row

Start the one arm dumbbell row by kneeling down on an exercise ball with the opposing arm holding onto a dumbbell. To begin slowly bring the dumbbell upwards to your chest keeping your elbow tight as possible into your body. Slowly bring the weight back down to the starting position.

One Arm Dumbbell Row On Exercise Ball Spotter Information:

Kneel beside the exerciser focusing on their balance and try to encourage the participant.

Back Dumbbell Row Back Exercise

How to do the Standing Row (Elastic Band)

Start by standing up straight and have the middle of the band tied to the door knob so you can still grab both ends. Now with your hands grabbing both ends extend fully while keeping tension on the band. Now slowly bring the band in tight to your body contracting your shoulder blades. Now return to the starting position.

Spotter Information:
Can be used for motivation

Standing Row (Elastic Band) Back Exercise

How to do the One Arm Row

While grabbing a dumbbell in one hand, bend forward keeping your back level with the ground. Keep your non-working hand on the bench for support. Start with the weight down by your side keeping your palm facing your body. Steadily lift the dumbbell by your side concentrating on your back doing the work rather than your bicep. Every exercise including this one should be kept under control at all times.

Spotter Information:
Spotting can be done by kneeling beside the participant and either lifting the weight itself, or standing and pulling the participants arm up.
One Arm Row Back Exercise

How to do the One Arm Cable Curls

Start with a cable in one hand standing perfectly erect. Now raise the weight while keeping your elbow into your side and breathing out on the way up. Breathe in on the way down and return to the starting position.

Spotter Information:
Stand beside the subject while they are performing the movement.

One Arm Cable Curls Biceps Brachii Exercise

How to do the Dumbbell Curls

This is performed by starting with dumbbells in either hand, sitting on a big ball, with your back and head straight, and palms facing forward. Raise the weight to touch your shoulder, keeping your elbows tight in to your body. Lower the weight slowly back to the starting position.

Spotter Information:
Spotting can be done by standing in front of the individual.

Dumbbell Curls Biceps Brachii Exercise

Tune in tomorrow for tricep exercises.

Chest Exercises

As promised, every day I will provide you with new exercises for a particular part of your body until I have given you exercises for your whole body. Tonight I found some pretty good chest exercises for you. I think that these are some pretty good chest exercises for both men and women. These exercises are sure to keep you busy.

How to do the Dumbbell Fly's

While lying on a bench holding the dumbbells at arms length with a slight bend at the elbow, raise the dumbbells (as shown) to the top. Keeping full tension upon the pectorals at all times.

A spotter is optional and should stand behind the participant with hands on the trainers wrists or elbows.

Dumbbell Fly

How to do the Chair Bench Press (Elastic Band)

Sit in a chair and wrap the elastic around your chair. With the elastic coming around from your shoulders and holding your elbows up press your arms out to full extention and then back to where your arms are at 90 deg (make sure you sit perfectly straight).

Spotter Information:
A spotter can be used for motivation

Chair Bench Press (Elastic Band) Chest Exercise

How to do the Medicine Ball Chest Pushups

Begin this the medicine ball pushups by lying face down in a pushup position with your butt parallel to the floor. Now try to use one hand to grasp the medicine ball and then the other. This move requires a lot of core strength. Now proceed as shown by the illustration to your right.

Medicine Ball Chest Pushups Spotter Information:

Kneel down beside the exerciser for stability. The exerciser may fall down many times but keep encouraging them. This is an advanced exercise and will develop a lot of upper body stabilizer muscles needed to increase your bench press or other upper body strength exercises
Medicine Ball Chest Pushups Chest Exercise

How to do the Ball Incline Dumbbell Press

Sit on the ball and roll out with dumbbells so that the middle of your back is on the ball, and bring your hands to the side as shown. Now get in a squat position so that your feet are completely stable. Now raise the weight until your arms are just about locked out. This is a difficult exercise and should be performed by the intermediate to advanced fitness trainer.

Spotter Information:
As a spotter you can either: Hold the ball from moving or kneel behind the participant and lift thier wrists or elbows when asked.
Ball Incline Dumbbell Press Chest Exercise

How to do the Wall Push Up

This exercise is great for people who are not able to do a regular push up. To begin, start standing up and then lean against a wall with your hands out. Now with your hands at shoulder length apart press your body back to the starting position. To make it harder on yourself find something that is lower. (ie. a desk, then a bench, then finally the ground)

Spotter Information:
Can be used for motivation
Wall Push Up Chest Exercise


Monday, August 16, 2010

Stretches and Flexibility Exercises with Pictures

Alright first up is stretching. This is one of the most important things to do before you start and after you finish a workout. It is recommended that you stretch at least five minutes pre-workout (before) and five minutes post-workout (after). If you have more stretches that you feel will be beneficial, please comment.

This is a complete list of stretches or flexibility exercises to be performed in a workout. If you are unsure of how to implement these into your training program, please read: 
is defined as a joint's ability to move freely through a full and normal range of motion (ROM).
Static Stretching
 This refers to passive stretching where a stretch is held in a specific location for a certain time. 
Stretching and Flexibility ExercisesBallistic aka. Bouncing Stretching: Dynamic muscular movements, such as a bouncing bent over hamstring stretch. (advanced athletes.)

Stretching is extremely important for general health and to prevent injuries during daily life and exercise. Also remember that a longer muscle is a stronger muscle. 
When should you stretch? Always static stretch when your muscles are warm (after exercising). Perform dynamic (Arm circles, trunk rotations etc.) stretching before exercise.

Abdominal Twists- Dynamic Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

To perform the abdominal twist exercise begin with a broom, wide grip bar, hockey stick or something alike behind your head with your hands resting on top.

Begin twisting your upper body gradually from one side to the other.

This is an excellent stretch to complete before a vigorous sporting exercise or event.
Abdominal Twists- Dynamic Stretch Stretches Exercise

Abdominal / Ab Ball Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

Start by sitting on the ball then roll out on the ball. Now place the ball in the middle of your back and gently lean back until you feel the stretch. If you have any back problems at all do not attempt this stretch. This one feels great after a hard day of activity.
Abdominal / Ab Ball Stretch Stretches Exercise

Hurdlers Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

This is a hamstring stretch.
- Sit with one leg extended.
- The other curled into the body.
- Lean with your lower back until you feel a stretch
Hurdlers Stretch Stretches Exercise

Standing Hamstring Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

Start by having your legs straight and lower your body while keeping your legs straight as you can. Go down until you can feel the stretch.

This exercise is great for any sport.
Standing Hamstring Stretch Stretches Exercise

Chest and Bicep Flexibility Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

This chest, shoulder and bicep stretch can be performed by lying on an exercise ball/stability ball/swiss ball and having your shoulder blades on the majority of the ball. Now drape your arms to the side holding onto dumbbells and hold the stretch as shown for 15-20 seconds (static stretch). Repeat after a 30 second rest period. Note that this type of stretching should be performed AFTER a chest/bicep workout
Chest and Bicep Flexibility Stretch Stretches Exercise

Forearm Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

Start by holding one hand by the fingers and pulling back until you feel the stretch. See the picture. This stretch is important for any sport involving throwing.
Forearm Stretch Stretches Exercise

Calf Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

This is very important for running.
- Stand with your hands against the wall
-Lunge one leg back
-Bend your front leg until you feel the stretch in your calf.
Calf Stretch Stretches Exercise

Butt and Back Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

Start sitting down while putting one leg over the other as shown. Now place the opposite arm (of the leg)over the leg that is on top while pushing your elbow into your knee to feel the stretch in your gluteus maximus.

This exercise is important for any sport since you use your
gluteus maximus while running.
Butt and Back Stretch Stretches Exercise

Groin Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

This is a groin stretch which is really important for running and any sport which will require your lower body.
- Sit with your lower back straight.
- Soles of your feet touching
- Use your elbows to push your knees to the ground.
- You can lean forward to make it more difficult.
Groin Stretch Stretches Exercise

Butt and Hamstring Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

Start lying down on the ground and lift one leg up while holding your knee into your body until you feel the stretch.

This exercise is important for any sport since it stretches your hamstrings and
gluteus maximus.
Butt and Hamstring Stretch Stretches Exercise

Hip Flexor Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

This stretch is important for running or any other type of aerobic activity that includes your lower body.
- Kneel with one leg forward, while the other leg behind.
- Bend your front knee.
- Keep your torso upright.
Hip Flexor Stretch Stretches Exercise

Chest and Anterior Deltoid Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

- Place one arm against a wall while keeping a your torso parallel.
- Gently lean your body against the wall to feel the stretch.
Chest and Anterior Deltoid Stretch Stretches Exercise

Thigh / Quad / Rectus Femoris Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

Start by standing while grabbing one foot and putting it against your glut. While starting by holding on to something for balance it is very important to have your leg straight up and down instead of to the side.
Thigh / Quad / Rectus Femoris Stretch Stretches Exercise

Groin Stretch 2- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

Start by spreading your legs with your feet facing forward. Lean to one side while having your hands on your knee for support. Keep leaning to the side until you feel the stretch.
Groin Stretch 2 Stretches Exercise

Back / Rhomboid Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

To complete this exercise complete the following:
- Cross one arm in front of your body.
- Use the opposite arm to squeeze into your body and above or below elbow joint.
Back / Rhomboid Stretch Stretches Exercise

Neck Rotations- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

To stretch your sternocleidomastoid rotate your head back and forth without tilting your head back. You can also rotate your head forward.
Neck Rotations Stretches Exercise

Tricep and Lat Stretch- Stretches How to do - Exercising Instructions

Tricep and Deltoid stretch is completed by the following instructions:
- Place both arms overhead.
- Gently pull behind your elbow to slide palm down the middle of your back.
Tricep and Lat Stretch Stretches Exercise


Everyday I will provide different exercises to help you get a general understanding of the different exercises that are available to you at home and at the gym.

Motivation part 2

This is just a video to encourage you in your journey.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Motivation is the activation or energization of goal-orientated behavior. With that being said, here are some tips on how to stay motivated: 

  1. Know the benefits of exercise. We are more motivated to do things that we'll benefit from. The more we benefit, the more motivated we are. For example, if I told you I'd give you a million dollars to take a 30-minute walk tomorrow morning, would you do it? You bet you would! The benefits of exercise aren't quite that compelling, but they are pretty motivating! You will benefit tremendously from consistent exercise. For many people, that's very motivating!
  2. Create your personal "reasons list." Keep a piece of paper and pen handy for a couple of days. Jot down EVERY reason you can think of that you want to get healthy/get fit/lose weight through consistent exercise. Real life example: I spoke to a lady a couple of months ago who could only think of two reasons that she wanted to lose weight and get fit. I told her to think about it for a couple of days and she came up with a list of over 30 reasons, such as:

    • more energy to spend quality time with her family at night
    • to be able to fit into all the clothes in her closet
    • to be able to live a long, healthy life and to enjoy time with her children, husband, and grandchildren (eventually)
    • to not be uncomfortable in public
    • to not become breathless climbing stairs
    • to be able to do "active" things with her family and friends
    • to be able to play on the floor with her children
    • to be able to wear nice clothes

    Her list goes on, but you get the picture. Make a long, extensive list. This may not seem important, but it is critical to be able to read this list when your motivation to exercise is waning. It's a powerful way to quickly get "re-motivated"!
  3. Exercise with a friend. Statistics tell us that people who exercise with a friend are more successful at exercising consistently. You can keep each other accountable. Knowing that someone is waiting for you to exercise with them can be great motivation to show up and get it done!
  4. Exercise first thing in the morning, every morning. Folks, if you're really serious about this exercise thing, then get serious about it. Our bodies were made to be active on a daily basis, and when we are, all sorts of wonderful things happen. We even get healthy and fit! People who exercise 6 to 7 days per week first thing in the morning are much more successful at exercising consistently than those who do the 2 or 3 day thing. It doesn't have to be a huge workout everyday. Get out there and take a 30-minute walk.
  5. Train for a local 5K or 10K walk or run in your area. This can be great motivation to exercise on a regular basis. I've seen many people transformed from couch potatoes to lean, mean, exercising machines because they decided to enter and train for a competition like this. Don't think you can't do it...YOU CAN!
  6. Reward yourself! Real life example: Claire from Atlanta told me that she puts $3 in a piggy bank every time she exercises. She gives herself the freedom to spend this money on things she normally wouldn't buy for herself. She says she usually ends up with more than $70 per month!
  7. Keep records. Write down your exercise time (minutes) each day. Keep a running total for the month and year. Calculate your average exercise time per day. Set some lofty goals! :)


    • Make your exercise as enjoyable as possible. For example, if you're a walker, you may want to get a good cassette or CD player to listen to music or books on tape, etc. If you're exercising inside, set up a TV so that you can watch it while exercising. On the other hand, you may just prefer peace and quiet. Do whatever makes exercise most enjoyable for you. You are much more likely to exercise consistently if you enjoy it.
    • Wear good shoes that are appropriate for what you're doing. Injuries seriously affect your motivation to exercise. Most people, especially walkers and runners, wear their shoes far too long. Worn out shoes will make you much more prone to injuries.
    • See results and get compliments. That's really motivating! GO FOR IT!

First Night

Well tonight is my first post. I am new to this so take it easy on me. Remember I am a math teacher so don't hold it against me if I don't use proper grammar at all times. As long as I get the message across to you in a way you understand  you should be okay. Again welcome to this new adventure, hope you find this just helpful as I do. First topic tonight is Motivation.